2025 |
Winter 2025 |
- Focus on women…Getting the job done
- Private estates of the past, by Madeline Byrne and Teresa Walsh
- Finding family takes team effort, by Madeline Byrne and Alan Steinfeld
- Cookbooks – serving up memories
- Remembering Bartel’s
- Behind the street signs…McClelland Avenue
2024 |
Fall 2024 |
- Dobbs Ferry Lutheran Church marks its 85th Anniversary
- A School for Everyone: Public, Private, Parochial, by Madeline Byrne and Teresa Walsh
- Rex Beach: Prospector, Novelist, Olympian, by Seamus Breathnach
- Remembering Bruce…
Spring 2024 |
- Locals have ties to ’39 World’s Fair, by Seamus Breathnach
- Hyatt-Livingston is setting of early 20th century novel, by Teresa Walsh
- The great debate over “Why Johnny Still Can’t Read”, by Seamus Breathnach
- Civil War surgeon, eloquent speaker, is first president, by Madeline Byrne and Alan Steinfeld
- Every donation has a story, by Madeline Byrne
Winter 2023-2024 |
- Respected Animator Called Dobbs Ferry Home. by Seamus Breathnach
- Native Americans Were the First Residents, by Henrietta Toth
- Postcards Ramp Up Village Narrative, by Robin Costello
- Class of ’62, Reconnect, Reflect…at High School Reunion, by Teresa Walsh
- Road to Freedom Medley
2023 |
Summer 2023 | - Remembering the Centennial – 50 Years Later
- Mummers and twirlers and floats, by Robin Costello
- Sailing, Singing, and Sunburn: Tales from an Ex-Hippie, by Christine Potter
- From the Desk of the President, by Madeline Byrne
- Edwin Gould: Village Benefactor, Champion of Many, by Seamus Breathnacht
- Fond Memories Drive This Family Narrative, by Annie Zaranski Brown
Spring 2023 | - Looking Back at 1873, by Teresa Walsh
- The Name Game…, by Madeline Byrne
- From the Desk of the President, by Madeline Byrne
– Garden Club of Dobbs Ferry turns 100 - South Presbyterian Church Celebrates Bicentennial, by Jacque Jennet
- Lost Video Brings to Life the Meads and Their Home, by Seamus Breathnach
- Ogden Engine Company Reaches Milestone – 125 Years of Service
- Masters School students use archive for new course work
Winter 2022 |
- Focus on Dobbs Ferry: From bucolic burg to bustling burb, by Henrietta Toth
- Old Croton Aqueduct: What’s Really Beneath Your Feet…by Seamus Breathnach
- From The Desk of The President, by Madeline Byrne
Volunteer Ambulance Corps Still Going Strong, by Teresa Walsh
Small Town Mystery Remains Unsolved, by Teresa Walsh
Fall 2022 |
- Greenburgh Hebrew Center Is 75!
- Dobbs Ferry On Their Minds: Mayors Bova, Marra, Monahan On Growing Up Here, and More…by Teresa Walsh
- From The Desk of The President, by Madeline Byrne
- Picture Postcards: A Window In Time, by Alan Steinfeld
Spring 2022 |
- Pompeii Celebrates 100 Years
- President’s Page: Upaway Estate, McKenna Family Donations, Did you know?
- Kris Lent, WWII Flyer, by Teresa Walsh
- Ukraine: A Personal Perspective, by Olena Nabatov
- Revolutionary Era Historian Visits Dobbs Ferry, by Ellen Klein
- Spotlight on Dobbs Ferry Business, by Madeline Byrne
- Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Website Inspires Local Teacher, by Teresa Walsh
Winter 2021 |
- The 20th-Century Ferry: Quirky Amenity for an Artists’ Colony, by Jim Luckett
- Wires, Wires, Everywhere, by Gerard Coffey
- Our Own Star of Stage and Screen, Peggy Conklin by Teresa Walsh
- Zion Episcopal, A Local Treasure, by Emily Kahn
- From the President’s Desk, by Madeline Byrne
- Comments from Readers
- H. DeWitt Dobbs and His Hats, by Madeline Byrne and Alan Steinfeld
Summer 2021 |
- The Ferry Shrinks, but Survives, in the Late 1800s, by Jim Luckett
- Yes, Dig They Must, by Gerard Coffey
- Research at the Archives – Willoughby’s Market by Madeline Byrne
- Ernie Howell Reflects on His Life, by Maria Harris
- Essay Contest 2021: essays by Maeve Larson and Ariana Biberaj
- Lilacs
Winter 2021 |
- The Ferry Sails Into The Age of Steam, by Jim Luckett
- Matthew K. Couzens: Preservationist by Design? by Gerard W. Coffey
- Good News Amid The Pandemic! by Daniel Schwartz
- The Road to Dobbs Ferry, Ashford Avenue by Madeline Byrne
- Paradise…Or Parking Lot? by Ellen Milhan Klein
Fall 2020 Footnotes (separate document) |
- Welcome To The Road To Freedom Issue
- The Decision That Changed History
- Col. Hamilton Jeopardizes Secrecy
- Andre’s Preferred Meeting Place Was Dobbs Ferry
- Military Units of the Past Join Freedom Day Commemorations
- Dobbs Ferry in 1781 by Larry Blizard
- The Other Road To Freedom by Jim Luckett
Summer 2020 |
- The Ferry In The Revolution (Dobbs Family, Part VII), by Jim Luckett
- So, Who Was the First Policeman in Dobbs Ferry?
By Alan Steinfeld and Madeline Byrne
- Remembering a Beloved Firefighter by Teresa Walsh
- The Man of a Thousand Faces by Larry Blizard
- Remembering Bruce Platt
Winter 2020 |
- The Ferry Takes Root On The West Bank (Dobbs Family, Part VI), by Jim Luckett
- The Levelers Are Coming! The Levelers Are Coming!
By Larry Blizard
- An Early 19th-Century Time Capsule, By Peggie Blizard
- A Remembrance of Pharmacies Past, By Joe Bova
- A Word From the Presidents
- New Dobbs Ferry Walking Tour, By Madeline Byrne
- Dobbs Ferry’s First Police Officer
Fall 2019 |
- John Dobbs Makes It To Dobbs Ferry (Dobbs Family, Part V), by Jim Luckett
- R.I.P In Dobbs Ferry, by Larry Blizard
- A Chat With a Feminist Pioneer – Interview with Muriel Fox
Co-Founder, National Organization for Women
- Reinventing History at the Masters School, By Rachel O’Connell,
- The Libraries of Dobbs Ferry, By Judith Doolin Spikes
Summer 2019 |
- The Dobbs Family, Dislocated by Rebellion (Dobbs Family, Part IV), by Jim Luckett
- The Day Garfield Didn’t Visit, by Richard Borkow
- Time for an Aqueduct District? by Sonya Terjanian
- Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Resources by Alan Steinfeld
- A Recent Inquiry: Spotlight on 18 Ashford, by Madeline Byrne
Winter 2019 |
- The Dobbs Family In Rural Manhattan (Dobbs Family, Part III), by Jim Luckett
- The Other War of 1918: The Local Impact of the Flu Epidemic by Ellen Milhan Klein
- The Big One: Looking Back at the Blizzard of 1888
- Mildred Emory Persinger, by Mary Donovan
- Who Was This Ladies’ Man?, by Peggy Blizard
Volume XXIX, No. 3 |
- The Dobbs Family In Manhattan (Dobbs Family, Part II), By Jim Luckett
- The Villards of Dobbs Ferry and the Great War, by Richard Borkow
- Not Just Garbage: The Wickers Creek Shell Midden, by Tom Morrison
- Possible Native American Burial Ground on Oliphant Avenue, by Larry Blizzard
- A Healing Brunch, by Larry Blizzard
- The Arone Pharmacy and ‘Doc’ Columbus Arone, by Patricia Arone
Volume XXIX, No. 2 |
- The Dobbs Family Before Dobbs Ferry, (Dobbs Family, Part I), by Jim Luckett
- Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Essay Contest
- Why Immigrants Matter, by Darian Ahmadizadeh
- The Rich History of Zion’s Victory Bell, by Niall Cain
- The Case of the Plaque at Our Doorstep, by Peggie Blizard
- The Lost Hamlet of Chauncey, by Judith Doolin Spikes
Spring 2018 |
- Messmore Kendall and His Mansion of Myth by Larry Blizard
- Why Monuments Matter by Daniel Schwartz
- Historic Landmarks and Districts in Dobbs Ferry: An Update by Sonya Terjanian
- Memorial Day Picnic at the Mead House
Spring 2017 |
- The Portrait of Van Brugh Livingston
by Larry Blizard
- A Recent Inquiry: The Concrete Houses
- Her Happy Hundred Years: Meet Peg Baviello, by Betsy Hunter
- Revolutionary War Documents In Dobbs Ferry, by Larry Blizard
- Our Newest Digital Venue: Flickr.com
Fall 2016 |
- The New Idea Washer Machine of William Wallace Allen by Mary S. Donovan
- The Scaperrotta Windows by Alan Steinfeld and Madeline Byrne
- The Vano Grande Window by Alan Steinfeld and Madeline Byrne
- The Little White Church Cemetery Restoration Update: Oct./Nov. 2016 by Linda Borkow
Summer 2016 |
- Dobbs Ferry: The War Years by William E. and Ronald Bray
- The Genius of 75 Main Street: Dobbs Ferry’s “Thomas Edison”, Charles Spiro
- The Two Dobbs Ferrys: to 1765 by Jean Fritz
- Historical Happenings: A Village Mystery Solved! The Eagle at Springhurst Elementary School
Winter 2016 |
- The Rimoli Stained Glass Windows of Our Lady of Pompeii
- A Memorial to the Veterans Buried in the Little White Church Cemetery by Linda Borkow
- James Garfield’s Connection to Dobbs Ferry
- William Dobbs
Spring 2015 |
- Portrait of a Young Officer by Ian Connett
- Henry C Klein views “better Dobbs Ferry”; presents Master Plan
- Summer Kitchen Open to Visitors
- The Street that never was: Dock Street by Madeline Byrne & Alan Steinfeld
Fall 2015 |
- Fowl play in Dobbs Ferry by Madeline Byrne, Alan Steinfeld
- Establishing Historic Landmarks and Districts in Dobbs Ferry by Sonya Terjanian
- Henry Villard’s Folly by Mildred Persinger
- The Belden behind Belden Avenue by Julia Unger
- Grapes & Olives: A Celebration of Italians in Dobbs Ferry
Winter 2015 |
- 145 Palisade: From Brews To Bibles, By Mary S. Donovan and Charles Geard
- The Oxford Market and the Westchester Pigeon Club By Peggie & Larry Blizard
- The Italian-American Project
- New arrival at Mead House – an unexpected gift from the former home of Dr. & Mrs. Harold Storms
- Road To Freedom, 2016
| |
Spring 2014 |
- Captain William Henry Dobbs : Pilot of the Continental Army by Charles E Dobbs
- The Judson Family Photo Album by William Newman
- The First Rhode Island Regiment by Richard Borkow
- Mary Sudman Donovan Day proclaimed in Dobbs Ferry and Westchester Country
- Trustee Maria Harris Honored as community activist
Fall 2014 |
- Dobbs Ferry Historical Society to receive Cabrini of Westchester’s Centennial Award by Judith Doolin Spikes
- Special Issue Celebrating St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and the institution she founded
- In Dobbs Ferry by Judith Doolin Spikes
- Annual Meeting feature Niall Cain speaking on “From Philipsburg to Dobbs Ferry: How Zoning Forms our Communities”
| |
Spring 2013 |
- The Little White Church Cemetery: A Virtual Walk Through the Past, By Dr. Alan Steinfeld
- James Bremner: Keeper of the Aqueduct By Dr. Alan Steinfeld
- A Tree is Planted in Memory of Larry Klein
- A New Development in Town? A History of Chauncey
- On the Street Where You Live: Belden Ave. by Yelena Krasnozhen
Fall 2013 |
- The Rededication of the Little White Church Cemetary on Ashford
- The Mystery Of Morton Paters Pond by Madeline Byrne and Alan Steinfeld
- The Choicest Suburb Of New York (in 1892) by Robin Costello
- On The Street Where You Live… Robert Green Ingersoll
Winter 2012 |
- The Case Of The Missing Truck by Ellen Milhan Klein
- The Hughsons Of Dobbs Ferry by Larry Blizzard
- A Testimonial from Forkland Lane by Drew and Julie Coburn
- Our Debt of Gratitude to the Dobbs Ferry Garden Club
- On the Street Where You Live – Mohican Park Avenue by Madeline Byrne
- The Historical Society is Proud to Present Jay Doolin Spikes and Anne Marie Leone’s New Book: Dobbs Ferry Then & Now by Judith Doolin Spikes and Anne Marie Leone
Summer 2012 |
- Father & Son, The Two Mike Todds by Larry Blizard
- Fanny Garrison Villard Civil Rights Champion at The Dawn of the 20th Century by Jean Fritz
- Treasures In The Attic – The Photographic Gems Found In Our Archives by Robin Costello
- Remembering Jon Nielson by Mildred Persinger
| |
Fall 2012 |
- Up, Up, And Away In Dobbs Ferry With Movie Legends Lawrence Oliver & Vivien Leigh by Larry Blizard
- On the Street Where You Live:David Ogden Bradley by Madeline Byrne
- Dr. John Cochran Physician, Surgeon, and Hero Of The American Revolution by Mary S. Donovan
- If These Walls Could Speak… 72 Colonial Avenue by Jim Luckett
Spring 2011 |
- Isabella Niven Wilder. For Thornton Wilder’s Mom: ‘Our Town’ Was Dobbs Ferry by Larry Blizzard
- The Corner Drug Store by Terry Kessler Schwartz & Howard J.Pobiner
- The 1970s
- Village’s Early Folk History Sits in the Library by Nancy Delmerico
Fall 2011 |
- Teddy Roosevelt In Dobbs Ferry by Larry Blizard
- Meet Some Young Heroes: Our Volunteers
- Villard Hill: Birth Of A Neighborhood by Madeline Byrne
- Our 70s Show was a Memorable Success
Spring 2010 |
- The Last Lord of The Manor Colonel Frederick Philipse III by Mary Donovan
- The Biegens of Dobbs Ferry A Family Album by Larry Blizard
Fall 2010 |
- Dobbs Ferry Hotels from the Past by Larry Blizard
- A Tribute to Paul Fix by Larry Blizard
Winter 2010 |
- A Land Sale Bonanza: Dividing up Frederick Philipse’s Confiscated Property by Mary S. Donovan
- 10 Reasons to Join or Renew Membership in the Dobbs Ferry Historical Society
- “That Terrible Evening in 1905” by Garrett Glaser
Spring 2009 |
- Henry Hudson (c.1565-1611)
- Robert Fulton (1765-1815)
- Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635)
- Spring Lecture Series
- Dobbs Ferry’s Return to the Hudson Quadricentennial Celebration, August 15, 2009
Fall 2009 |
- General George Washington has arrived in Dobbs Ferry, book by Mary Sudman Donovan, George Washington at “Head Quarters, Dobbs Ferry”, July 4 to August 19, 1781
- How Gaby Grunebaum at Age 91, Reached Back Through the Centuries to her Compatriot Private Georg Daniel Flohr by Mavis Cain
- “The Slipping By of the Years”: Words from 100 Years Ago in the 1909 Dobbs Ferry Register, by Judith E. Adams
- Dobbs Ferry’s Return to the Hudson Quadricentennial Summer Celebrations
Winter 2009 |
- Keeping the Mead House Alive for Community Archives and Events
- Local Artist Joanna Rock Created Special Wallpaper for the Mead House Parlor
- A Tribute to Rebecca Browning Rankin by Mary S. Donovan
- The “Nathan Hale” House by Madeline Byrne
- Main Street Mystery: Still Unsolved! by Larry Blizard
- George Washington at “Head Quarters, Dobbs Ferry” July 4 to August 19, 1781
- Historical Happenings: Interview with Pulitzer Prize Winner David Hackett Fischer by Richard Borkow
Spring 2008 |
- We Proudly Introduce: The Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Historic Plaque Program
- The History of Resolute Hook and Ladder by Neil Sweeting
- The Little Red House- A Reverie by Larry Blizard
- A Soldier’s Tale: Private Flohr’s Diary Part IV by Hank Walter
- Dobbs Ferry Encampment, July 4 to August 19, 1781 by Richard Borkow
Fall 2008 |
- Annual Meeting Features Italian Community in Dobbs Ferry (9/23/08)
- The Mead House – Big Changes Over The Summer
- Road to Freedom Day – August 17th, 2008
- Francesco Ricciardi, “Maaestro Francesco” by Mary Donovan
- Fixing Your Old Photographs by Gerry Mooney
Winter 2008 |
- A Walk Through Time with Alice Denike by Larry Blizard
- Tracing the History of Your Home
- The Fred Staats Fund for Emergency Repairs
- Private Flohr’s Time in Rochambeau’s Army, Part V by Hank Walter
- Salvatore Primeggia Featured in Our Lecture Series
Spring 2007 |
- The Dobbs Ferry Hospital- A century of Caring by Mary Donovan
- Ogden Engine Company No. 1 (Part 2: 1960 to Present Day) by Teresa Walsh
Fall 2007 |
- Private Flohr’s Time in Rochambeau’s Army (Part III) Translated by Gabriele H. Gtunebaum by Hank Walter
- The Road to Freedom Day in Dobbs Ferry
- Annual Meeting Program Features Bannerman Island
Winter 2007 |
- Help Save the Mead House
- Dobbs Ferry’s Sea Plane Base by Herbert Donovan
- The Move to Springhurst by Mary Donovan
May, 2006 |
- The Browns– The President and First Lady of Dobbs Ferry by Bill Blanck
- L. Doris Wood: Educator, Correspondent & Friend by Meg Lauer
September 2006 |
- Old Engine Company No. 1 by Teresa Walsh
- Historical Society Revieves Artifact – Plaque from Dobbs Ferry Railroad Station
December 2006 |
- August 1781: The March to Freedom
- “You are Cordially Invited…”
- 1840 Odell Farmhouse and Barn: George W. Odell & Esther Emma Burfield, Part II by Georgette Hedberg
May, 2005 |
- Historical Society Gala Honors Unsung Heroes:Bill Cassella, Goldie Gernivivo, Gail Malara
September 2005 |
- Historical Society Gets New Fence
- “Unsung Heroes” Applauded at Gala
- Private Flohr’s Time in Rochambeau’s Army, Part II by Hank Walter
Nov, 2005 |
- Annual Clara Mead Egg Nog Party and Zion’s Washington Irving Celebration to be Held Sunday, December 11th
- The Odell Farmers and their Farmhouse by Georgette Hedberg
May, 2004 |
- Jean Fritz to be Honored at Spring Gala
- Remembering One Soldier by Mary Donovan
- History of Storm Farmhouse, Part II by Denise Wilson
- Gabriele Grunebaum, former trustee, dies at the age of 93 by Mavis Cain
September 2004 |
- Annual Meeting of the Historical Society Features Speech by David McCullough
- History of the Storm House, Part III by Denise Wilson
- When Broadway Sent Its Stars to Main Street by Mavis Cain
December 2004 |
- The House at 12 Elm Street by Mary Donovan
- Pvt. Flohr’s Time in Rochambeau’s Army by Hank Walter
April 2003 |
- Annual Gala to be Celebrated on May 30th: Hudson Historian to Speak – Col. James
- Johnson
- Spring In-Gathering
- Story of Dobbs Ferry Library, 1899-2003 by Bill Blanck
- Dobbs Ferry: the Beginnings by Jean Fritz
September 2003 |
- Village Photographer Nick Fanelli’s Ground Zero Photos to be Featured at the Sept 19th Annual Meeting
- Spring Gala a Resounding Success
- Contributions Welcome for New Pathway for the Disabled at the Mead House
- Dobbs Ferry Union Free School, 1857-1897 by Mary Donovan
- Mary Donovan, President of DFHS Since 2002 by Jean Fritz
- “The Unbrella Lady”, Jean Fritz by Bill Blanck
December 2003 |
- Oldest House in Dobbs Ferry by Denise Wilson
- Story of the Library (cont.) by Bill Blanck
- Photos from Ground Zero Featured at Annual Meeting
April 2002 |
- Historical Society Gala – Tina Marziale, Tony Castello, and Charlie Baiano Honored
- The Great Spaghetti Dinner That Never Was in 1944 by Brian Wright
- Food Was Scarce for American Prisoners of War in WW II
- Founded in 1833 Zion Episcopal Church has Historic Roots by Richard McKeon
September 2002 |
- September 11, 2002—A Day of Prayer and Remembrance by Bill Blanck
- Dobbs Ferry in 2000: A Centennial Portrait by Mary Donovan
- 20th Century Photos to be Featured at Annual Meeting on September 27 at Our Lady of Pompeii
- Zion Rings in the 20th Century by Richard McKeon
December 2002 |
- 11th Annual “Clara’s Party” set for December 13th
- Growing Up in Dobbs Ferry by Andrea Fritz
- Founders of Dobbs Ferry by Jean Fritz
April 2001 |
- History of Community Hospital (1993) will be presented at Historical Society’s Gala
- Rochambeau Monument, 1894, corrected in 2000 by Bill Blanck
- Old Croton Aqueduct to Connect with Greenway-sponsored Trails
- Bill McHenry Obit. Died 4/1/2000
September 2001 |
- Why The Trolley Didn’t Stop Here by Helen Kirkpatrick
- New Bronze Plaque Correcting the Washington-Rochambeau Monument Dedicated at
- July 4th Ceremony by Bill Blanck and Hank Walter
- Immigrants to be the Topic at Annual Meeting
- A Thank You for Sister Roselle by Mavis Cain
December 2001 |
- In Memoriam–Cecil Jack, Trustee
- War Comes to Dobbs Ferry—1776–1941–2001 by Bill Blanck
- What Rrochambeau’s Officers Thought About Us by Jean Fritz
- Immigrants to be Topic at Annual Meeting on September 28 at Our Lady of Pompeii Hall by Hank Walter
May, 2000 |
- Strawberry Festival on June 10th
- Irish Program Provides Spell-binding Evening
- Proposed site of Great Hunger Memorial
- Historian Dennis Maika tells of Slavery in Dobbs Ferry Area
- Ireland 150 Years Ago
December 2000 |
- 1852 Map of Village Given to Society by the SAR; Correction of Monument Described
- No Fights, No Recounts, No Chads in Trustee Election by Members by Bill Blanck
- A Village Vote Recount and the Presidential Crisis by Bill Blanck
- Bill McHenry, a Friend and Contributer to Dobbs Ferry Historical Archives, Dies
- 1894 Washington Rochambeau Monument Will be Corrected by the Sons of the American Revolution
- Annual Clara Mead Eggnog Party
- Villard Family at Thorwood by Hank Walter
| |
April 1999 |
- Jean Fritz, A Pioneer of Women’s Liberation: Fanny Garrison Villard, of Dobbs Ferry
- Dobbs Ferry Historical Society and Sons of American Revolution Agree to Correct Hank Walter, Washington Headquarter’s Monument
September 1999 |
- Memories of John Nanna at September 24 Annual Meeting
- Henry Villard, German Immigrant, Civil War Newsman, Financier, Railroad Builder
- and Dobbs Ferry Resident by Hank Walter
- Help Wanted!! Donations Needed to Defray Maintenance Expenditures
December 1999 |
- A Holiday Double Bill—First the Clara Mead Eggnog Party And Afterwards
- The Washington Irving Holiday Celebration at Zion Church
- The Life and Times of 1900 as Seen by the Dobbs Ferry Register
- Dobbs Ferry 1933- First in Series of Programs Planned for Membership
- Garden Club of Dobbs Ferry Donates $4,500 for Society’s Lawn Improvement
September 1998 |
- Annual Meeting to Feature Ogden Fire Company
- The Peaceful Visit of The Rose
- Bill Blanck, Dobbs Ferry’s Part in the 1898 Spanish American War
- Bill Blanck, In 1785 Residents Buy Large Tracts of Land Confiscated from Tory Philipse
- Dobbs Ferry’s Part in the 1898 Spanish American War
April 1998 |
- Warren Gardner, Nineteenth Century Health Officer a Potent Influence in Dobbs Ferry
- Bill Blanck, Our Lady of Pompeii, in the War Years and Afterward–The Cancelled Dinner for Italian War Prisoners
- May 8th Gala to Feature History of Dobbs Ferry Police
- Nineteenth Century Health Officer a Potent Influence in Dobbs Ferryman by Warren Gardner
- Ogden Engine Company No. 1 is 100 Years Old
December 1998 |
- “Friends of the Historical Society” Being Formed
- A Visit to the Direct Descendent of Frederick Philipse III by Mavis Cain
February 1997 |
- The Chain at West Point that kept the States United
- In Memoriam–Raymond Willsea and Demarest Romaine
- CHAINING THE HUDSON by Lincoln Diamani Reviewed by Jean Fritz
- Greenburgh Hebrew Center–The First Twenty-five Years by Dr. Arthur David And Joseph Shriro
- Dobbs Ferry Documented in Detail by Berthier in 1781 by Mavis Cain
- Stories of the Revolution, Including the Ladies, will be told at Mead House On February 23.
April 1997 |
- Greenburgh Hebrew Center Celebrates Jubilee by Rabbi Barry Kenter
- Jean Fritz, News Spotlighted 100 Years Ago
- Mavis Cain, Berthier Pinpoints the Location of French and American Armies in the Dobbs Ferry Area in 1781
- Immigration, “Remember the Ladies”, Were Society’s Winter Programs
- In Memoriam – Mae Pepper by Hank Walter
September 1997 |
- Happy Buyers at Auction Brave Threatening Weather
- History of the Oceana Building and Its Land by Hank Walter
- Architect Stephen Tilly Will Describe Oceana Building Restoration at September 26th Annual Meeting
- Society Begins Fund Appeal in Wake of Costly Emergency Repairs
- Clock Turned Back 100 Years at Gala
- Public Health was a Matter of Life and Death in Dobbs Ferry: The Early Years by Warren M. Gardner
December 1997 |
- Our Lady of Pompeii Celebrates 75 Years by Hank Walter
- Public Health in Dobbs Ferry–Village Purchases Odorless Cesspool Cleaner by Warren Gardner
- In Memoriam: John Ricciardi Bequeaths Society $10,000 in his Sister’s Memory
March 1996 |
- Second Church of the Sacred Heart Dedicated a Century Ago
- Reginald A. Marra Dies—Served on Tinian When Enola Gay Bombed Hiroshima
- During and After the Blizzards of 1888 and 1947 in Dobbs Ferry
- Society Receives Letters from World War II Servicemen to Dobbs Teacher L. Doris Wood
- Diary May Provide Information About Dobbs Ferry Area in 1781
- In Memoriam – Shirley B. Elbert
- Members Gather at the Mead House Dedication
April 1996 |
- Donation of Items Needed for June 1st Porch and Yard Sale
- “Dr. Dobbs” and Eighteenth Century Medicine at Dobbs Ferry Historical Society’s April 27 Gala
- In Memoriam–Catherine Thornton, Ellen Thornton
- Sacred Heart Church Through Two World Wars
September 1996 |
- September 27th Annual Meeting Will Feature Video History of Mayor Nanna’s Tenure During Baby Boom
- Businesses to Contribute to a Successful Gala
- The Society Participates in Four Events
- Church Renovation, Youth Ministry, Jewish Outreach, and Latin were Hallmarks of Msgr.Green’s and Msgr. McManus’ Tenures
December 1996 |
- Sacred Heart Today: Involvement
- In Memoriam–Dr. Joseph Gelsi, Cathleen R. Polgreen
- Mayor Nanna Video Draws Big Crowd to Annual Meeting
- Emergency Mead House Repairs of Roof and Steam Boiler Cost Society $11,300.
- Members’ Help Needed
- Republicans Swept Dobbs Ferry in 1896 Presidential Election
- The Berthier Journal: When the French and American Armies Joined in the Dobbs Ferry Area
September 1995 |
- Special issue with photos and biographies of Dobbs Ferry servicemen & women
- Exuberant Rejoicing, Parades, Auto Caravans, Street Dancing and Prayer Marked
- Dobbs’ V-J Day by Bill Blanck and Hank Walter
- How Dobbs Participated in World War II
- Pocohontas to be Part of History Talk by Jean Fritz
Nov, 1995 |
- Arnold’s Treachery, The March to Yorktown, Revolution Ends, Tories Leave, Ferry Continues till 1944 by Jean Fritz
- Mead House Dedication at Fourth Annual Eggnog Party
- Sacred Heart Celebrates 100 Years of Church Building
Apr, 1995 |
- Addorisio’s Letter From Buchenwald Shocks Residents
- Valentine Program Photos
- April 30 Gala: Recollections of VE and VJ Days
Jan, 1995 |
- The Story of James Jennings McComb – Part I: The Estherwood Connection
- Pre-Valentine’s Program Announcement
- Third Annual Clara Mead Egg Nog Party
- Junior Member Category Approved at Annual Meeting
- Trustee Filomena Ricciardi Dies At 92
- George Speyer Bequeath To Society
Jul, 1994 |
- The Story of Dobbs Ferry – Part Four: The Hudson River In ’76 by Jean Fritz
- Dobbs Ferry Hospital: The Beginning by Hank Walter
- Lawn and Porch Sale Results
- Board Okays Selling 16 Items to Other History Groups
- Spring Gala Results
May, 1994 |
- Spring Gala: 50-Year Remembrance of World War II
- The Story of Dobbs Ferry – Part Three: War Comes To Dobbs Ferry, by Jean Fritz
- Porch and Lawn Sale
- Raffle
March 1994 |
- Society Authorizes Funds for Archival Storage and Office Space in its New Home at the Mead House
- Society Opposes Indeck Gas Line for Both Aqueduct and Broadway
- Jean Fritz, The Story of Dobbs Ferry–Part Two; The Two Dobbs Ferrys: to 1765
- Community Hospital: The Past 40 Years, The Future
June 1993 |
- Henry Walter, Dobbs Ferry Women Organize Hudson River Equal Franchise Society in 1909 for the Right to Vote
September 1993 |
- Henry Walter, New York Lags in Giving Women the Vote; War Aids Suffrage Movement; 1917 Dobbs Voters Favor Suffrage by 56 Votes
- Mead House Progress
- State Gets Collections Policy
Nov, 1993 |
- Community Hospital Observes its Centennial at a Gala Evening on December 4
- Jean Fritz, Dobbs Ferry, The Beginning
- Thank You, Filomena Riccardi!
- Frances Tahnee Neill, Margarita Gallo Muller
- Video Delights Two Groups
- Mildred Persinger, Quilts at the Mead House
Apr, 1993 |
- Modifications of Mead House
- Upcoming Events
- Raffle
January 1992 |
- Henry Walter, Clara Mead, “A Gracious Lady of the Old School”
- Barbara Pearce, Clara Mead Leaves 12 Elm Street to Society
- Henry Walter, Repair and Maintenance Endowment Fund Needed
June 1992 |
- Mead House Needs “A Lot of Work”–And Money
- 130 Attend 1992 Historical Society Gala
December 1992 |
- Clara Mead Eggnog Party December 13
- Sylvia Brownshield, Repairs Strengthen the Mead House
- Bill, Hank Blanck, Walter, Dobbs Ferry in World War II:1942–The First Year of Sacrifice
- Annual Irving Celebration Sponsored by Historical Society and Zion Church presents ‘The Changing Face of St. Nicholas’ on December 6
March 1991 |
- Your Memorabilia Will Help Tell the Ashford Avenue Story
- Dobbs Ferry Historical Society Now Video Taping World War II Veterans
- Cemetery Preservation Report Ordered as Volunteers Take Emergency Action
- State Denies Overseer’s House Funding
- NYU Archeologist Suggests Preservation Techniques for Wickers Creek Site
June 1991 |
- Bill Blanck, The Environs of Ashford Avenue–Then and Now
- Tema Harnik, Aqueduct Photograph and Slide Exhibit Will Open This August in Dobbs Ferry Library
- Kathleen Modrowski, FOWCAS Adopts Wickers Creek, Initiative Sponsored by League of Women Voters
- Mayzette Edholm Stover, 1924-1948 Village Memories–The Winemaker, History in the Dump, and The Gatehouse Ghost
February 1990 |
- Kathleen Modrowski, Wickers Creek Archeological Site Placed on County Inventory of Historical Places
- Tema Harnik, Dobbs Ferry in the Era of the Old Croton Aqueduct: 1835-1850
- Bill Blanck, Village Depression Year 1933 is Documented on Video Tape
- Caroline Kravath, Historical Society Sponsors Little White Church Cemetery Restoration Project Study
- Virginia Barton, Storms Family Members Identified’
- Bill Blanck, World War II Dobbs Ferry Subject of Ferryman Special Edition
- Bill Blanck, Flying Over Dobbs Ferry to Record 1991 Village for Archives and for the Ashford Avenue Project
Winter 1989 |
- History At Our Door Step: A Future For The Society At The Aqueduct Overseer’s
March 1988 |
- Catherine and Modrowski Walter and Modrowski, Pre-History A ‘The Landing’ – An Important Archaeological Site
- Yesterday’s News: a chronicle of 1888 : The Blizzard of ’88, How RR Station Location Came To Be, Dobbs Ferry description & its name
- Kathleen Modrowski, Photo Archives Project
- Evelyn Fitzgerald, Stained Glass
July 1988 |
- Oral History Workshops Mark Community Heritage Year
- Dobbs Ferry Post Office Nominated To National Register
- Frances Neill, Restoration On Main Street
- Tema Harnik, Now Playing On Your VCR! An Oral History Workshop
- Kathleen Modrowski, Update On Early Indian Site
March 1986 |
- Storefront History Theatre
- Cooperative Artist-in-Residency Links Art, History And Architecture
- Celebrate Lady Liberty – April 15, 1986
- Fasnella’s Views Of Dobbs Ferry Now Available To All: Special March Offer For Members On Full-Color Lithograph
October 1986 |
- Historical Society Annual Meeting (10/8/86)
- A Note Of Gratitude To The 1985-86 Trustees Of The Historical Society
- ‘Storefront History Theatre’ Project Receives Support From Local Business Members & From The Westchester Arts Fund …
- Oral History Staff Development Course Offered For Area Teachers In March ’87
September 1985 |
- “Life Of A River Village” To Be Re-Printed
- Two Dobbs Ferry Sites Received Markers As 60 Historical Spots Were Noted By County
- Kind Words And Donations
- Ecco “Stucco & Stones” ! Ecco L’Italia!
- NY Foundation For The Arts Artist-In-Residence Planned By Dobbs Ferry Consortium
- Historical Society Annual Meeting Set Sunday, September 29th, From 3 To 5 pm
February 1985 |
- Project Seed Grant From Exxon
- Joanne Kavanagh Elected President
- Attic Auction And Appraisal Day
- Society Members and Supporters
- Projects In Progress
January 1984 |
- Public Programs
- Historical Society 1984 Gala
- Preservation Cinema
- Public Support
- Archives Research
October 1984 |
- Archaeology By Chance: Can You ‘Dig It’?
- CCJP Interns Summer ’84
Spring 1983 |
- Programs For Members And The Public
- News On Microfilm
- Oral History In The Classroom
- Community-Conscious
- Congratulations To The Resolute Hook And Ladder Company on its 100th Anniversary Of Service To The Village of DF
- Lincoln Rothschild (1902-1983)
- Searching For Roots And Other Research Requests
- Collecting Consultants
March 1982 |
- Bad News…….Good News
- Grants To The Society ….1981-82
- Christine Roraback, Archives Research Archibes
Fall 1982 |
- If You’d Like To Touch The Pages Of History…Volunteer.
- Grants Keep Us Going
- Business Memberships Support Storefront History Theatre
- Guided Architectural Walking Tour Explores The Era Of The Great Estates (10/17/82)
- Storefront History Theatre
Winter 1981 |
- 65 Years Of ‘D.F. Register’ To Be Microfilmed For Public Use
- Archaeology On The Hudson
- Genealogy Queries: Seek Information On Lawrence, McClelland, Others
- H.S. Stained Glass Windows: Society Makes Recommendation
- Mr. Dobbs Comes To Town
- Society’s Gala: Throng Enjoys Dining, Wining, Tour & Music (1/17/81)
- Photos Wanted: Stonemasons, Gardeners, Wine Makers At Work
Summer 1980 |
- Frances Neill, Message From The President
- Grants Totaling $7,760 Awarded To Society By Three Sources
- Society Seeks Permanent Charter
Fall 1980 |
- Slides For Public School Evaluators
- The Ravekes-Storms Papers Donated
- Photo Exhibit At Mercy College
- ‘Art In The Prison’ Talk By Ed Margin On November 21
December 1980 |
- Local Churches Aid Quake Victims
- From Province Avellino…
- Italian Hilltowns